Dayne Mills’s abysmal luck starts to turn around when firefighter Lawson Martin offers him a place to stay. Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. All weapons have +3% chance to Critically Hit, but equipment condition decays 15% faster. i want to try making the most broken build i possibly can.

Ratslayer, the unique varmint rifle, has one of the highest chances to score a critical hit, with a 5x multiplier. This is another iconic gun in the fallout series. There are already many books on risk assessment-the trouble is that they all seem to be about different sUbjects! This book takes another approach. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Due to how VATS works in FNV, the Built to Destroy perk is totally useless. The one who's non crit based is kind of gimped and is having a hard time fighting deathclaws at level 28 despite stomping them earlier. It has a really high critical chance and critical damage that t can make a stealthy luck-based character really shine.

But for example, the Medicine Stick reloads slower, so Boone with a Gobi sniper might be a nice alternative just because for those fights where the battle ISN'T over in 8 shots, Raul needs a break to reload, whereas Boone will reload a Gobi or whatever quite quickly, for obvious reasons.īut yeah, I actually pimped out my companions with good gear on a character once, and tbh? Boone and Raul were both tough as nails when given those guns, and both were able to drop enemies quickly don't really recall a fight Raul needed to reload for, tbh, and I do recall Boone popping off quite a bit of heads at long range I would SUSPECT his range is slightly longer.Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry as you make a name for yourself on a thrilling new.

It's just that the Medicine Stick is one of the most well-rounded and powerful guns in the game, and yes, Raul does use it better than anyone else (maybe even the player character). There's also nothing stopping you from giving Boone the Gobi Sniper and watching him work. Obviously though, some people might prefer a ranged companion. For example, Lily could surely compete simply because she's fast as hell, has tons of health and with Oh Baby!, she also hits for truckloads of damage. Well of course any companion with a 10 charisma (or high charisma) character would be badass, but it becomes a matter of preference.