Defeat the contenders blindfolded OR chicken out and fight them normally. Make sure you read the report on the Toyseller you find on this level to get the A Craftsman of Dreams and Nightmares quest (Hammerfall). Persuade Sister Schori to leave and talk with Beryl again to collect your reward. Keep your distance to him or otherwise, he may be killed by accident. As we remember and worship Him, we’ll find wonder in the ordinary, gratitude in the mundane, and joy in the seemingly meaningless things of life.Active 2 weeks, 2 days ago. 1)-the God who fills the mundane with meaning.

When we find ourselves in the whirlwind of tedium, let’s launch our own daily mini-conference, as we “remember Creator” (v. Ultimately, however, he realized that he’d find joy in the mundane only when he remembered and worshiped God (12:1–7). Solomon maintained a worldview that didn’t press beyond the limits of human experience to include God. Ultimately, in his pursuit of meaning, the king found nothing but boredom (v. Some of these pursuits were honorable and some were not. He pursued work, bought flocks, built wealth, acquired singers, and constructed buildings (Ecclesiastes 2:4–9). Several millennia ago, Solomon, the wisest of kings, launched his own search for joy in the meaningless and mundane. Ward knows the topics may be boring, but the speakers can take a mundane subject and make it interesting, meaningful, and even joyful. In the past, speakers have addressed seemingly meaningless topics like sneezing, sounds that vending machines make, and inkjet printers of 1999.

In 2010, James Ward, the creator of the blog “I Like Boring Things,” launched a conference called the “Boring Conference.” It’s a one-day celebration of the mundane, the ordinary, and the overlooked.